Robert Bergstrom
Fiery Maples
19" x 23"
Award: Honorable Mention
Juror's Note: The title says it. When I first saw the image, the fiery color grabbed me. it was like a forest fire. All this is made interesting by the irregular shape of the leafs. Even the pointed leaf tips reminded me of flames. The diagonal composition added to the drama. My eye was a bit distracted by the light shape at the top. The toned down maple leaves provided background provided a rich bed of subtle textures in the background. The round pebble-like shapes peeking though hinted at the drama’s location. I confess, at first glance, I only saw a fiery leaf. Then I realized there were in fact two leaves, dancing like a couple in the fiery light. That gave my mind fodder to create allegories or stories. And what was that little stray leaf behind the dancing couple? Everyone can bring their own stories to a rich fiery photograph.